Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rewritten Part 2

Gemini was screaming.
Griffin sighed, "Gemini, it's too late. Go insane all you want, but they can and will keep us here. Freaks. That's what we are. They've actually up with a new name for us: Pendragons. You get it? We've rewritten the Code, PENdragons."
Gemini calmed down. It had been three months since they were captured and put into a prison. She and Griffin hadn't tried to rewrite the code. More like the code rewrote itself. Not that it mattered. Gemini leaned back against a cold stone wall- banging on the cell bars had wore her out- and thought back to that day. She and Griffin were best friends,they went by Fear (Griffin) and Sally (Gemini). At the time, the Code had less security: only two guards. Some people were even allowed to view the Code. That's where the school went for a field trip. Only, everything went wrong. While the class went on, Fear and Sally stared at the Code, transfixed. Suddenly, in a burst of light, the two were transfered into who knows what. Sally started blinking in and out of reality and Fear was growing older and younger at alarming rates. One of the guards pulled out a tranquilizer gun. Then everything went dark. Next thing they knew Sally and Fear were in seperate cells. They changed their names. The only entertainment was talking to each other. The only connection to the outside world was borrowing one of the prison guards' newspapers or limited contact with family and friends. It was living Hell and they both knew it.

Thanks for reading Rewritten Part 2!

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